Kenmore Komics

Same Name, Same Location, Same Owner Since 1987!

The Real Longest Running Comic Store in Akron Ohio!

We Buy, Sell & Trade Comic Books!



Kenmore Komics
is a Comic Book Store located in Akron, Ohio.

Established in May 1987
we specialize an extensive collection of
Modern & Silver Age Back Issue Comic Books
and related materials.

If you have any questions,
we will try our best to answer them.

You can e-mail us at

Or you can contact us at 330-745-5530.



New Comics Arriving July 31st


New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - July 26th

New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - July 19th

New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - July 12th

New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - July 5th


New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - June 28th

New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - June 21st

New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - June 14th

New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - June 7th


New Back Issue Comic Book Additions - May 31st



These will be our hours of operation for the month of July ---

Monday & Thursday   12:00 noon to 3:00 pm
Wednesday & Friday   12:00 noon to 6:00 pm
Saturday   11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Closed Sunday & Tuesday

Ordering Information